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Financial Aid FAQ

How do I apply for financial aid?

你可以从填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)开始 完成后,您和您添加的机构可能需要7-10天的时间 to be able to review your aid eligibility. For assistance, please contact Trinidad State financial aid office.


            Trinidad State’s code is 001368

What is an EFC number?

EFC代表估计家庭贡献,用于确定援助的数量 a student may be eligible for. This EFC is calculated using what the student reported 比如收入、家庭规模、上大学的家庭成员人数、 etc. (Retrieved from


  • Pell Grant: See Trinidad State website at
  • Colorado Student Grant: See Trinidad State website at
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG): See Trinidad State website at
  • Student Loans:
    • 补贴:以需要为基础的贷款,至少在入学时不计息 half time.
    • 无补贴:在学生入学期间不计息贷款 in school.
    • 直接PLUS贷款:家长可以申请的贷款,以帮助支付学生的学费 tuition. 学生在校学习至少一半时间,不计息.
  • Work Study:
    What is work study and how do I apply?
    • 勤工俭学是一项旨在帮助学生就业的经济援助计划 opportunities on campus or within the community. This is a regular paid position in which a student will receive a bi-monthly paycheck. Students must be enrolled in at 至少12个学分,是当地居民,并且在当前的学术领域有活跃的FAFSA year (retrieved from Contact the Financial Aid office to express interest or complete the Work Study Interest Form on the Trinidad State website.

When will I see my financial aid applied to my account?


            Please refer to the academic calendar on the Trinidad State website.

Does Trinidad State accept alternative loans?

Sallie Mae

Does Trinidad State accept outside scholarships?



我提交了我的FAFSA,并被告知我有资格获得联邦学生援助. Where can I see my financial aid award?

Log in to your Trinidad State Student Portal on the website. 点击“助学金”图标,选择学年 你的所有奖项将在每学年的“资助概述”下列出。.

Do I qualify for Financial Aid?

资格取决于你在FAFSA上报告的内容,以及你的EFC生成的内容 at after completing the FAFSA. The amount of credit hours also effect aid eligibility. 请联系财政援助办公室了解更多信息.
(Retrieved from

我收到一条信息,说我有未完成的经济援助要求. What does this mean?

经济援助需要额外的信息来核实所报告的信息 the FAFSA. 你可以在特立尼达的学生门户网站上找到这些要求 州网站下的“财政援助要求”图标,或联系财政 aid office. 未完成的经济援助要求将延迟你的援助.

How and when will I receive my financial aid? I “accepted” the award in my portal but nothing happened?

助学金将在人口普查日期后自动用于学杂费 each semester.

What is a refund?

如果你收到的经济援助金额超过了学费和学费 你所欠的费用,你将收到退款的差额用于教育 related expenses.
(Retrieved from

How do I receive my refund?

一旦你成为og体育的学生,你将会收到og体育如何学习的指导 to set up a Bank Mobile account. 这取决于你如何设置你的帐户 how and when you will receive your refund. Please contact the Business Office if you have any bank mobile questions.

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?

联邦和州法规要求所有财政援助接受者满足特定的 被称为满意的学术进步(SAP)的学术标准. Except for some private and institutional funds, all types of financial aid (助学金、贷款和勤工俭学)受此政策影响. SAP status is determined at the end of each term.

令人满意的学业进步的三个组成部分是:累积GPA为2.0 或以上,累计完成率67%或以上,和最大的时间框架 degree or program. 学生必须在尝试之前完成学位或证书 取得学位或证书所需学分的150%.
(received from

My portal says I am ineligible for aid, why?
What is an appeal and why do I need it?

如果学生没有达到任何令人满意的学术进步(SAP)要求 (Cumulative GPA of 2.0分或以上,累计完成率67%或以上 学位或课程的最长期限),他们将被停学, 使他们没有资格获得本学期的资助.

学生可以完成上诉,这将需要由主任审查 经济援助,其中上诉可能被批准或拒绝. If approved, student 他们需要满足哪些条件才能获得资金 aid. 上诉的状态将在每学期结束时进行审查,以确保 terms of the appeal are being met.

申诉表格可在特立尼达国家财政援助页面的“forms”, or contact the financial aid office for assistance.


所有的经济援助都是全日制的(12+学分) hour) enrollment. 学生可能修不到12个学分,但他们的助学金 (Pell, CSG和/或SEOG)将根据学时的数量按比例分配 学生正在拿的(可能比他们预计的要少).
(received from

What is the difference between drop and withdraw?

When a student unenrolls from a class BEFORE the Census Date (see important dates/academic calendar). Students will not be charged for classes they unenroll from.

When a student unenrolls from a class AFTER the Census Date. 学生仍需为未注册的课程付费.

How will financial aid be affected if I withdraw?

作为经济援助的接受者,你应该成功完成至少67%的学业 在所有的类中,您尝试并保持累积2.0 GPA. Not completing 任何原因的课程都可能影响你目前的经济援助金额 eligible for and any future financial aid eligibility. There is also the possibility 退学的学生可能需要支付一部分资金给学校 教育部,这被认为是第四章的回归.